This is the very last event which held by AJK 12/13.This event meant a lot to AJKs and members who had participated in 2012 division camp.
This event was a re-play of D'SSAW camp,we re-planed all the activities that members played and watched in the camp through this event.
Finally,we had summarised the camp in such a perfect ending without commiserate.
Appreciated for your attendance to our last event and wish you all the best in your future! =D
Division Competition 2013
We had successful organised our division competition which held annually in our school.
Division Trip 2013 had held in I-City.
We had enjoy a lot in this trip and have had built a great deal of really awesome memories with members and AJKs :)
Thank you for being participate in this trip ;)
Here are our memories:
It's freezing!!
In I-City's snow world...
Woohoo!!Let's go!!
On the way to I-City...
In I-City water splash park...
Group photo...